Destiny Weekly Reset: Sunless Cell With Berserk, Chaff is Nightfall

Fighting Alak-Hul without a radar. Joy.

The weekly reset has come and gone in Bungie’s Destiny, bringing with it a new Nightfall (of sorts), new weekly bounties and so on.

The Nightfall this week is the Sunless Cell. Modifiers include Epic, Bersek (enemies don’t flinch even after taking large amounts of damage), Specialist (special weapon damage is increased), Chaff (player radar is disabled) and Fresh Troops (more enemies). Out of all of these, Chaff will be the toughest to deal with when fighting Alak-Hul since the strike boss can disappear and reappear just about anywhere in the darkness and you won’t know where. Keep an eye out and don’t crowd around each other.

To check out the latest weekly bounties from Petra Venj, Arcite 99-40 and Lord Shaxx, head here. The Prison of Elders activities this week include The Forever Eater at level 32 and Machine Wrath at level 34. Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota is the Tier 3 boss this week at the Court of Oryx.

Thoughts on this week’s activities? Let us know below.

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