Destiny Xur Inventory for November 6th: Celestial Nighthawk, The Impossible Machines

Xur returns with some very familiar Exotics.

Were you counting on Xur, Destiny’s Exotic vendor and mysterious Agent of the Nine, to bring you something nice this week? Well, your mileage may vary – you can find snake face in the Tower in front of the giant door near the Speaker. He’ll remain there until November 8th, 2 AM PDT.

Unlike last week, there’s no Exotic weapon for sale. Instead, Xur has Helm of Inmost Light (Titan helm), Celestial Nighthawk (Hunter helm) and The Impossible Machines (Warlock gloves), each for 13 Strange Coins. Helm of Inmost Light and Celestial Nighthawk are both solid Exotics and worth looking into since they’re Year Two variants. For more information on stat rolls for each piece of Exotic gear, head here.

On the Exotic engrams side is an Exotic Helm Engram for 19 Strange Coins and a Legacy Primary Engram for 31 Strange Coins. Make sure to invest in the Exotic Helm Engram first before buying any of the helms Xur is selling.

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