Destiny’s Mysterious Chest In Vault of Glass May Not Exist After All

It was most likely all a simple misunderstanding .

It looks as though I may have to roll over and eat my own words following this latest development in this story. We previously reported to you regarding members of the Dads of Destiny clan, simply known as DOD, made mention of a chest that players missed in the Vault of Glass.

However Bungie’s Urk said on Reddit, “To be clear, the question I heard (or thought I’d heard) was NOT ‘Is there another chest in Vault of Glass?” referencing a question put to him during a live stream. He elaborated further saying that it was a simple mistake, saying that it was”Nothing that nefarious.”

When viewers thought his answer was rushed and seemingly pre-empting something else. He goes on to say  “We misheard the next question as “sword glitch” instead of “sword bridge.” Lots of people talking, music going, etc. Through all of that, my brain turned the question into something along the lines of, ‘Is there a reason to return to the Vault of Glass?'”

So this may have been a simple mistake, but who really knows?

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