Destiny’s New PvP Matchmaking Settings Now Active in Rumble and Control

Bungie describes it as a "blend" of skill-based and connection-based settings.

Bungie seems able to say in the news for the worst possible reasons, mostly due to Destiny. The latest controversy is surrounding the stealth implementation of skill-based matchmaking in Crucible, which thankfully saw changes during last week’s Iron Banner. These new matchmaking settings are said to emphasize connection quality while still focusing on skill.

After releasing for Skirmish, these settings are now active in other PvP modes. According to Bungie on Twitter, “New Crucible matchmaking settings (previously active in Iron Banner and Skirmish) have been added to Rumble and Control. More to come!”

But it doesn’t seem like skill-based matchmaking is completely gone. When asked about the same, Bungie replied that, “It’s a blend.”

Of course, one of the bigger issues is how much of a blend it really is. At this point, it’s really hard to tell. How will this affect the upcoming Crimson Doubles PvP event? We’ll find out when it goes live on February 9th so stay tuned.

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