Destiny’s Player Characters Confirmed to Last 10 Years

Bungie is taking the whole "10 year journey" slogan seriously.

Before its launch and the eventual avalanche of criticism and hate it received (much of it quite justified), Bungie’s Destiny was touted as being part of a 10 year plan for the company. While the developer briefly talked about your character surviving the test of time throughout those years, engineering lead Luke Timmins essentially confirmed to GamesRadar that said Guardians will indeed remain constant.

“We certainly take it seriously that Destiny is a ten-year thing. It’s a long-term thing and with these adventures that we’re adding my contract to you–and any player – is that your Guardian will always be there. We’re going to keep adding new stuff for you to do and I’d hope you’ll look at The Taken King and be like, ‘I’m looking forward to logging on again and hooking friends online.'”

However, like before, not much information was provided on how items and weapons would carry over in that time. This has become quite the big deal for players, especially since Bungie has been mum on whether year one weapons like Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence will survive the transition into year two. There’s also the question of whether Xbox 360 and PS3 players will be brought along for the ride given how dated the consoles are quickly becoming.

Destiny’s The Taken King DLC is out on September 15th and will retail for $40. Stay tuned for more information on the same in the coming weeks.

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