Destiny’s Sparrow Racing League won’t feature microtransactions to let you buy Legendary Gear- for a change, Bungie and Activision are actually showing restraint with demanding all of your money and all of your time, it seems like. So that rumor that you heard yesterday about the Eververse Trading Company allowing you to purchase endgame items? That was false.
This is good news- it basically means that the game is not pay to play- you still do have to grind to earn the best gear in the game. While we can argue all day long about Destiny’s grind, at the very least it means you can’t undermine the game simply by having more disposable money.
Destiny is available now on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. With the Taken King expansion pack, it is actually a fairly good game now. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information on the game.