Deus Ex DLC will have a boss fight that does not suck

We absolutely loved Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as is pretty apparent in our reviews for the game (Xbox 360/PS3), but the boss fights really sucked in the game, a fact that everybody agrees upon. They took away from the element of choice the game focused on so much, and they weren’t very well designed either.

DXHR’s upcoming DLC, though, titled Missing Link, will have a boss fight that will not suck, and is being developed in-house, and not being outsourced to Grip Entertainment, unlike the boss fights in the game itself.

“We have a boss battle at the end, but it’s different from the main game boss battles,” the DLC’s producer Marc-Andre Dufort told Eurogamer.

“You can actually not kill the boss. You can do a non lethal takedown on him. And you can kill him from afar. You can even kill him without him seeing you. It’s more of a bigger challenge than a standard boss fight like we have in many games.

“Everything was done in Montreal at Eidos. It’s a lot less frustrating. But it depends on the way you play. If you played more combat in the main game, you probably didn’t have any trouble dealing with the boss fights. So we allow the adaptation of the way you play for that particular boss fight.”

He went on to talk about the boss fights in the game itself, admitting that the boss fights were, indeed, frustrating. “I was playing more of mixed stealth and combat style, so I had some good weapons in my inventory,” he said. “I didn’t have a lot of trouble dealing with. No, I didn’t get any big frustrations dealing with them. But I can understand people playing more stealth style having some frustration dealing with those bosses.”

This DLC is looking really good so far. Eidos Montreal announced some time ago that it will last around five hours, which is great. We can’t wait to get our hands on it, and we bet you cannot either. But we do have this new video of the DLC for you to feast upon in the meantime.

Deus Ex Human RevolutionDeus Ex: Human Revolution- Missing LinkEidosEidos MontrealMissing Link DLCSquare Enix