Whether it's excellent combat, top-notch story-telling, extensive build-crafting, or all three, these action RPGs deliver the goods.
Whether through multiple play styles, emergent gameplay, or an unparalleled amount of freedom, these 15 titles offer tons of gameplay variety.
10 years later, Deus Ex still stands tall as one of the best in the franchise and one hell of a game.
The causes of many broken controllers.
All you had to do was follow the- SHUT UP, GAME.
Let's take a look at 14 evil video game endings.
Once one of the leading immersive sim franchises of the industry, now on ice- what happened to Deus Ex?
These games are a dream come true for all hacking enthusiasts out there.
They tell you no one died but really, we know that can't be true.
Being a dick, just because.
Join us for 15 video game endings that just so insultingly didn't try.
These opening bosses gave you a hard time.
Want to get to the game ASAP? Boy are you in for a treat.
Through the magic of backwards compatibility.
Unfortunately, that doesn't end to DLC.
Xbox Live's Games With Gold starts 2016 in style.
16 games will be receiving the backwards compatible treatment.
'I did... ask for this?'
'I think we could totally connect.'
Machine revolution.