Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Won’t Have That Orange-Yellow Tint

The new game will have different color shades to it.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a great game- it was a good reboot of the classic franchise, modernizing the game for modern audiences extremely well. However, it had a few issues that stood out, such as poor boss battles, and a highly divisive ending, but the one thing that got made fun of the most was the yellow tint filter. The entire game looked like you were looking at it through a yellow/orange colored cellophane sheet.

However it won’t be in the upcoming Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Eidos Montreal has confirmed. Speaking recently to OXM, Jacques-Belletete said, “So Human Revolution was all about the enlightenment era of Transhumanism, which is where our black and gold palette came from, right? It was because black and gold was very much like Renaissance paintings. Now the world is more afraid of Transhumanism – so our gold and black palette has taken a back step with it. The new order is this corporate feudalism thing, so now the influence is a lot more medieval – a lot more desaturated, with blues, greys and matte browns. ”

I must say I like the choice of words.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will launch for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on August 23, 2016.


Deus Ex: Mankind DividedEidos Montrealpcps4Square EnixXbox One