DICE: ‘720P is not a shame’ & ‘Varied gameplay is more important than 1080p’

In an argument that is kind of becoming baseless, DICE’s Rendering Architect Johan Andersson has claimed that engaging and varied gameplay is more important than having full HD resolutions.

One user over at twitter showed its disgust that Battlefield 3 will be in 720P rather than in 1080P on consoles:

It’s a shame #BF3 is going to run at 720p and not 1080p

Tow which Andersson stated the fact:

how is that a shame? name a single FPS game that runs at 1080p on any of the consoles? would have to do huge gameplay cuts

But he really does get the truth out here:

we think huge levels, lots of players, great fx, destruction, vehicles & varied gameplay is more important than 1080p

I got to agree with him. I think 720P is pretty much acceptable these days and as always gameplay is more important than other elements.

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