DICE does not approve Battlefield 3 color edition mod, waves banhammer

Ban for color mod.

I wonder why DICE would threaten users with a ban for a simple mod which just just changes colour. Earlier, this mod surfaced which attempts to remove the bluish tinge that DICE added in the vanilla game. Of course, the game already looks gorgeous, but this way it looks a lot more natural.

The mod apparently does not chime in well with DICE because they have just mentioned that they would ban people tinkering with game files.

“[It’s] too colorful,” “Also, I wouldn’t use those hacks if you don’t want a permanent ban on your account. FYI warning,” Battlefield 3 gameplay designer Gustav Halling said on Twitter.

The Tweet has been deleted now, unfortunately.

People have already been banned on Reddit and other sites, which is unfair, but it seems DICE has a tracking tool for the game which detects any modifications  Such a shame really because I thought DICE was a progressive studio when it comes to supporting the modding community.

Do you approve of this move? Let us know in the comments section below.

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