Dishonored 2 Will Be Using Denuvo DRM, According To Steam

That kills all piracy for Dishonored 2 dead in its tracks right there.

Possibly the most successful anti piracy DRM on PC for gaming in a very long time is Denuvo- Denuvo is a few years old, but it has so far managed to remain unbeaten. Major AAA PC game releases mostly use Denuvo at this point, in spite of some of the DRM’s more controversial features, such as a five device per day activation limit, as well unconfirmed reports of the DRM causing SSD degradation- it’s been successful enough in thwarting piracy that it’s being used anyway.

So it should come as no surprise, then, that the PC version of the upcoming, highly anticipated Dishonored 2 will also be using Denuvo- the Steam listing for the game reveals that it will have Denuvo in addition to the standard Steamworks anti piracy measures. In practical terms, this means that Dishonored 2 is unlikely to be cracked and pirated in any meaningful period of time in the near future.

Dishonored 2 launches this Friday for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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