DOOM Slayers Collection Launches This Week for Consoles

A recent listing on GAME UK indicates the collection's launch on December 13th.

Before DOOM Eternal arrives next year, it seems that Bethesda is collecting all of the previous games into one convenient package. According to a listing by GAME UK, DOOM Slayers Collection will be launching this week for Xbox One and PS4. It includes Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3 and DOOM (2016).

Unfortunately, it seems you’ll need to download the first three games. The listing also indicates that a account and “persistent broadband internet connection” is needed for online use. Oddly enough, there’s no listing for a Nintendo Switch version, or any mention of whether Final Doom and The Master Levels for Doom 2 are included.

We’ll have to wait for an official announcement for Bethesda. Along with DOOM Eternal’s launch on March 20th, 2020 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, Bethesda will also launch DOOM 64 for the same platforms. DOOM Eternal pre-orders will receive a digital version of the port for free. Though the former has been delayed indefinitely for Nintendo Switch, you’ll still get DOOM 64 in March 2020 on the platform.

BethesdaDOOMDoom 2DOOM 3DOOM Slayers Collectionid Softwareps4Xbox One