Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pawns Can Contract the Dragonsplague (and Spread it to Other Worlds)

The Dragonsplague will boost the basic stats of your Pawns and change their behavior, but a "devastating calamity" awaits in the later stages.

While the new Vocations, fast travel restrictions and lack of quest boards in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are interesting, the most intriguing element surrounding its Pawns is Dragonsplague. Revealed on the PlayStation Blog, it’s a “contagious disease-like status that infects Pawns under certain conditions.”

A Pawn afflicted by the same will have improved basic stats and modified behavior, perhaps becoming more active or bossy. The Dragonsplague can spread as the Pawn travels to different worlds and can initially be beneficial. However, later stages see it wreaking a “devastating calamity.” No further information is provided, even in the game’s world, so you must discover it yourself.

Dragonsplague is described as “rare,” which could mean it won’t pop up that much. Players can seemingly choose to seek a cure or exploit the boost to their Pawns. Their appearance becomes more diabolical, so that may raise concerns.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 launches on March 22nd for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Check out the latest trailer, and learn more about the new Warfarer Vocation and Maisters, who can teach you different skills, here.

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