The latest video from Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen features a new kind of beast called as Necrophagous beasts. Capcom describes them as enemies that can appear at anyplace and at anytime.
The video shows our heroes stuck in the depths of of Bitterblack Isle. After successfully defeating a ferocious Cockatrice, these stalwart warriors will encounter Necrophagous in various forms. Garms, a band of ravenous twisted lupine beasts that spew a blinding fog, descend on the carcass of the Cockatrice and attack the party; an Elder Ogre, a larger and deadlier form of its surface dwelling cousin, squares off with the party in a dark hallway; most fearsome of all, the Cursed Dragon, twisted into a truly wretched foe by the darkest of magicks, bears down on the group, seeking to devour any flesh it can.
Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen is due for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in April.
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