E3 2010: Patapon 3 Hits PSP This Fall

One of the best series to have come out of the PSP is getting its next instalment this fall,  Sony confirmed with their announcement of Patapon 3. Unlike what recent rumours have suggested, however, the third game in the franchise is staying on the PSP, and is not making the transition to the PS3.

From what we know, the new game is slated to feature deep multiplayer campaigns, a new superhero character who can use special attacks that delivers an epic feel with the addition of the new Hero Patapon, as well as Online Co-op, competitive gameplay with up to 8 players and an all-new chat system which will allow Super Hero Patapons to communicate via the  Pata-Text chat system.

So, looks pretty good and loaded, huh?

One thing we don’t know, however, is if this game will be download only, like Patapon 2 which was released last year, or if it will be getting a full retail release, like the original Patapon did. What we do know is that this game promises to be some more of the epic and quirky action that the first game delivered in spades.

You can check out the Patapon 3 E3 trailer below.

e3E3 2010Pataponpatapon 2patapon 3ps3pspsony