E3 2012: Spartan Ops mode in Halo 4 to last for a few years

343 Industries’ Frank O’Conner has mentioned that the Spartan Ops co-op mode in Halo 4 has been mapped out for a few years worth of content. He said this in an interview with the Guardian.

“We wanted gamers to have a continual water cooler conversation that revolves around shared gameplay experiences. So if you have four people working together to get through these missions and then watching and experiencing fiction at the same time …

“It’s not that you have to go and blow up a reactor and then you watch a cinematic sequence of a reactor blowing up; it’s real characters with really significant universe-changing events going on in the narrative.

“We have the Spartan Ops story mapped out, at least loosely, for a few years. The first season is very rigid at this point and we know where this story goes. If it’s successful, if people enjoy it, we have a narrative arc that can last for years, with a known beginning, a middle and an end.”

Halo 4 will be released this year on the Xbox 360. Stay tuned to more news and information at GB.

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