EA president says there will be a Battlefield 4

EA Labels president Frank Gibeau said during a keynote at the University of Southern California that there is more to come for the Battlefield franchise yet. “There is going to be a Battlefield 4,” Gibeau said.

This doesn’t come as a surprise, since Battlefield 3 has been doing so well. It’s been met with wonderful review on both the PC and the consoles, and has been selling exceptionally. It sold 5 million units in its first week,  becoming the fastest selling game in EA’s history.

EA was very quick in issuing a statement after this, telling the fans that there has been no official announcement yet. “Frank was speaking broadly about the Battlefield brand – a brand that EA is deeply passionate about and a fan community that EA is committed to,” the publisher told GamePron.

You can read our full reviews of Battlefield 3 for the PC and the consoles through the links above.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks, IndustryGamers.

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