EA Sports “not milking” FIFA, “it’s a repeatable product”

EA Sports doesn’t believe they’ve been milking the FIFA franchise, something they’ve been blamed of for a long time now. Even with the upcoming Euro 2012 DLC, they just believe that they have a “repeatable product”.

“Every game company, or most of them, are companies that are there to make profit,” said Sebastian Enrique, lead producer on UEFA Euro 2012 in an interview with CVG. “We are there, or at least my team and I are there, for two reasons. One of those, and this is very important, is to make entertainment, to make great games and football simulations that people can enjoy.”

“On the other side, we also need to pay the bills, and the way to do that is to make money for the company, so it’s not milking, it’s just we have a repeatable product,” he continued. “Like with movies, where you have sequels and sequels after sequels, it’s not just milking because you want to make money, if you ask the actors and directors, they do it because they love the art.”

To be fair, in the last few years, EA Sports has been making significant changes and upgrades with each new instalment. FIFA 12 was considerably better than FIFA 11, just as 10 was better than 09.

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