Entwined Available on PS3 and PS Vita Today

Pixelopus's beautiful indie title reaches other PlayStation platforms.

Pixelopus’s Entwined was first released on the PlayStation 4 during Sony’s E3 media briefing, marking a fairly awesome moment since it was only just announced and showcased on the main stage. However, the game is now available to PlayStation 3 and PS Vita fans.

If you happened to purchase the game earlier, you’ll gain free access on other platforms thanks to Cross Buy support. Cross Save also ensures that your save data can be carried over without issues and immediately updated for all platforms regardless of which you play on.

Entwined is a rather interesting indie puzzle game, concerning two star-crossed lovers on a journey to be together but always coming up just short. It garnered attention for its attractive art style and presentation, not to mention being one of the few big name indies at the Sony E3 media briefing.

What are thoughts on Entwined heading to the PS3 and PS Vita? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

cross buyCross savePixelopusPS Vitaps3ps4sony