F1 2014: Brazil Hot Lap Revealed

Gotta go fast! F1 style.

It’s been a while since I’ve brought some F1 news to you all, so here I give you an update on how the Hot Lap videos have been coming along.

Surprisingly, the quality is improving with less of the long sweeping angles that make racing look extremely boring and more of the up close and personal camera angles that we all love so much. The latter half of the video is without a doubt the better portion with nice sweeping corners that are taken well and without the slips ups that I’ve spotted and pointed out in the previous videos which, oddly enough, really knock the whole experience down a few pegs.

So this is the F1 2014 Brazil Hot Lap which will take your around the track in typical roaring fashion at break neck speeds. Just how we like it around here. But what about you? Let us know in the comments section below.

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