Fallout 4: Bethesda Accepts Bottle Caps As Form of Pre-Order Payment

I wish I had thought of that.

Bottle caps are the life bone of the economy in the Fallout series of video games, where they can basically be used as currency. So this was probably meant as nothing more than a cute, practical joke by the man named Seth who requested a Fallout 4 pre-order in exchange for the 2,240+ bottle caps that he had been saving for the last seven and a half years. Little did he know that Bethesda would actually accept the bottle caps as a form of payment.

Speaking on Reddit, Seth said, “Bethesda Global Community Lead Matt Grandstaff told me since I was the first person to do this, I would be receiving a copy of the game this November, and that he would be running my caps over to deposit them at the People’s Bank of Point Lookout.”

Which is all kinds of awesome and meta, personally.

But if you are getting any ideas, don’t- Seth also seems to make it clear that the only reason this worked for him was because he was the first person to do anything so crazy. So that boat has probably sailed here.

Maybe for Fallout 5 in 2023?

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