Fallout 4 Cheat Codes And Cheats: Unlimited Carry Weight, Money, Bottle Caps, Ammo, Weapons And More

Check our complete cheats guide for Fallout 4.

PC players get a chance to muck around with Fallout 4 before they even get down to the modding- the PC version of the game comes with exclusive support for all sorts of console commands and cheatcodes, that can either swing the tides in your favor, or break the game in hilarious ways (sometimes both).

To activate the console where you input the cheat codes, you just press the ~ key at any time. That’s ~, which is the key directly under the Esc key on any keyboard. For keyboards of some nationalities, pressing the ~ key may not work- in this case, you press the ‘ key (that’s the apostrophe key, right next to the Enter key), and that should pull up the console.

Note: Inputting cheat codes in the game may affect your game and your save file progress in an unpredictable and often permanent ways. Do so at your own risk.

Warning! Fallout 4 is a massive game, and it’s pretty buggy to begin with. Making use of any exploits could lead to other unintended and undesirable effects, including and up to an erasure of your save file. For your own insurance, it is always recommended to save a new copy of your file onto a new slot before you make use of any exploit or glitch in game.

The full list of cheats follows below:

PC Version Console Commands And Cheat Codes

tcl — No more collisions. Walk through walls or even on air.

tai — Turns all AI off, causing NPCs to stand still vacantly. Go pickpocket them to your heart’s content.

tcai — Turns combat AI off. Great for taking on bosses you wouldn’t be able to defeat otherwise because of how much you suck at the game.

killall — Kills every enemy in the immediate area, besides companions and any other characters that are too important to the game to die. Those characters will just fall over and become injured until you give them a stimpack.

kill [insert ID] — Kills the creature with the ID you inserted.

resurrect [insert ID] — Brings the creature with the ID you insert back to life.

setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number] — Modifies your jump. The higher the number, the higher you’ll fly.

player.setav speedmult [insert number] — Multiplies your running speed by the inserted number. The Wasteland is a vast world, and traversing through it is sure to become a slog eventually.

tfc — Activates flycam, allowing you to get some amazing screenshots of the world below.

tm — Toggles menus and UI on and off. Basically, the Fallout 4 equivalent of Photo Mode. It also stops you from seeing the console, however, so you’ll have to press ~ and type tm again blindly in order to get the UI back.

setscale [number from 1 to 10] — Increases the size of you or your target. Be a giant.

sexchange — Changes your character’s gender. Just in case you feel like you made the wrong choice at the beginning of the game.

player/additem 0000000f [insert number here] — Adds bottlecaps equal to the number you specify.

player/additem 0000000a [insert number here] — Adds bobbypins equal to the number you specify. Every lockpicker’s dream.

player.additem [insert item ID here] [insert number here] — Add any number of any item to your inventory. Way to undermine the economy.

coc qasmoke — This teleports you to a room with a number of boxes that contain every single item in the game. This is the best way to learn ID number of various items (so you can use them for the other cheats). You can find an item ID by entering the console and clicking on the item in the game world with your mouse.

set timescale to [insert number here]  — Speeds up or slows down time. For reference, 16. 1 is realtime, 1 slows down time to a standstill and 10,000 leads to days passing in seconds.

tdetect — The AI won’t detect you anymore. Useful when looking to steal a heavily guarded item. Solid Snake would kill for this.

player.modav [skill] [number] — Boost a skill of your choice by the number you inserted.

player.setlevel [insert number] — Boost your level to the number you inserted.

caqs — This completes every step of the primary quest, effectively completing the game for you. It’s the coward’s way out.

Note: Do not use the caqs code unless you want to go ahead and spoil the entire story for yourself.

Vendor Exploit / Glitch – Unlimited Money, Bottle Caps, Ammo, Weapons, Armor, Items:

Unlike in The Witcher 3, money is not exactly hard to come by in Fallout 4. loot in general is easy to find, and the game loads you up with all sorts of parts, weapons, ammunition, and upgrades right from the get go. Still, if ever you find yourself on the road, wanting for money, or, sidestepping the middleman entirely, wanting for anything, an exploit in the game that lets you have unlimited, well, anything, is probably going to be greatly appreciated.

This exploit will work with all three versions of the game, so unlike the cheat console, PS4 and Xbox One players don’t have to sit this party out.

Warning! Fallout 4 is a massive game, and it’s pretty buggy to begin with. Making use of any exploits could lead to other unintended and undesirable effects, including and up to an erasure of your save file. For your own insurance, it is always recommended to save a new copy of your file onto a new slot before you make use of any exploit or glitch in game.

Unlimited Carry Weight:

Press the ~ key.

Type player.setav carryweight 1000 and press enter

That is it!

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