Fallout 4: Collectibles and Knick-Knacks

Bobble heads that like to go wibble wobble.

Collectibles! You love them and I love them, chances are good that most gamers, hardcore or not, love them too, purely because they give you more bang for your buck. Fallout 3 was particularly good when it came to scattering collectibles around the game world, don’t get me wrong, Fallout New Vegas had its fair share as well but I just prefer Fallout 3.

Bobble heads that like to bobble, weapon schematics that make bizarre creations and if you’re on PC with a mod pack, collectible weapon tools such as scopes, silencers and drum magazines all add to the fun of scavenging.

But what should Fallout 4 have? You see, I would quite like to have location specific collectibles this time, say for instance the game was in my home land of Ireland.Our tourism sector, as you would expect, markets leprechauns and shamrocks to tourists. So imagine if you found a lucky shamrock badge that gave you a +5 passive luck buff.

Something like that could be really cool! But what would you like to see? Use the comments box folks.

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