Fallout 4 DLC: Todd Howard Explains How Survival Mode Came Into Existence

A post release 'Game Jam' birthed the mode.

Now that we know what kind of DLC Bethesda is bringing to Fallout 4, we’re getting specific information about how the developers landed on their ideas for the content. The game’s director, Todd Howard recently sat down with Game Informer to discuss just that. Specifically Howard was asked whether or not he and his team approached the DLC with the same kind of  focus they did when it comes to the way they approached DLC for games like Skyrim.

In particular, the game’s director was asked whether the company did it’s usual “Game Jam” approach and he responded that the team did in fact do that and that was how the Survival Mode came to be. “We had talked about doing robot stuff, and there was a bunch of that in there. We do that every game. We do that in the middle of development. So we did that in the middle of Fallout 4. When we finished what we call our vertical slice preproduction build – when you can actually play the game – we do one for a week then. That fuels features for the main game like jetpacks and a number of other things. And we do another at the end, which is focused on mining ideas for DLC.”

The team seems to think this idea for Survival Mode is a winner. Of course, most of the what Bethesda has done with Fallout 4 has been incredibly popular, though more so when talking about the PC version. We’ll just have to see if the fans love the new DLC as much as they have the original game when it launches.

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