Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC: Possible New Details About The In-Game Quests

Possible spoilers inside- you have been warned.

Fallout 4: Far Harbor is almost here, and anticipation is running high for what Bethesda are calling their most extensive bit of post launch content ever so far. It seems that thanks to the leak of the game’s Trophies recently, however, there seems to be some speculation out there on just what the central story will be. There may be spoilers in this article. You have been warned.

The Trophies on hand being referred to are The Way Life Should Be, which requires the player to Complete the quest “The Way Life Should Be” and Cleansing The Land, which requires the player to Complete the quest “Cleansing the Land.” These seem to be alternate ‘final quests’ for the DLC’s main quest, in turn implying that the final conflict will come down to a decision between either committing genocide and eradicating the entire population of Far Harbor, or choosing to let it live.

Which sounds like a bit of a heavy decision for a game that has so far been completely bereft of any kind of meaningful moral conundrum. But hey, maybe Far Harbor will be better about that, right?

[Thanks Forbes]

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