Fallout 4: It Seems Like A VGX Reveal Might Be Happening

Speculation everywhere! Mind your head.

So here’s something that might actually amount to something for a change. Though I can’t quite put enough emphasis on “might”. If you fell for the Fallout 4: Shadow of Boston hoax, then shame on you. Shadow of Boston? Really? For shame, you should know better that a title like that wouldn’t fly in the wake of Shadow of Mordor, too many similarities.

But Geoff Keighley, respected video games journalist and Spike TV host, recently tweeted out an image of himself having dinner with some of the heads of the powerhouse group, Bethesda. The tweet reads, “Great night planning with the ladies who run Bethesda. You are missed @DCDeacon.” DCDeacon, just in case you’re curious, is Pete Hines whom is also from Bethesda.

Given that a stage host and 3 studio staff are “planning” something, does that perhaps mean that we may finally be seeing a reveal? Sure, Bethesda denying Shadow of Boston may just be to clear up any copyright concerns that may have arise between them and Warner Bros. But it may also be a way of clearing the way before a reveal at VGX. A deep breath before the plunge, if you will.

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