Fallout 4: It’s Been Nearly Six Years Without a Sequel

Give me more Fallout or go home.


For those of you that have been consistently reading these Fallout pieces, and you know who you are, you seem to be labouring under the impression that I don’t want Fallout 4 or that I think the gaming community doesn’t want Fallout 4 or that I want the series to return to an isometric view. Well, you’re very wrong in those assumptions. But why do I bring this up?

Well,  it’s been quite some time since we all got to play a new Fallout title, it’s been nearly 6 years at this point since Fallout 3 and in that time we’ve lived in the shadow of hype bombs and elaborate hoaxes, but still we have heard nothing from the developer.

Now don’t get me wrong, we have no right to demand anything from others, but surely the gaming community at least deserves some information on the game. We’ve been keeping the Fallout IP alive for years without any direct input or assistance from those who actively handle it. Gamers create mods and entire new lands, characters and locales, weapons and survival systems. Yet in spite of this, we see no appreciation or love from the Fallout team, there’s no feedback on what’s happening regarding development and we don’t even know what’s happening with the project or if an official sequel is being worked on.

And there has certainly been no shortage of opportunities to announce the development process. Even if they announced the game and showed zero in-game content, the hype would be real and the community would appreciate it. However, 6 years down the line I find myself feeling somewhat jaded purely because of this lack of feedback. So for the approaching 6th birthday of Fallout 3, you can find me in Mordor beheading Warchiefs.

What are your thoughts?

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