Fallout 4 New Details: Bethesda Explains The New Perks System

We like the idea of a super strong barbarian.

We’ve been getting told for a while that the gameplay in Fallout 4 is going to be one of those games whose only limits are what you place on your character. Now we know that absolutely extends to your character who can be taken in a number of directions depending on your choices when it comes to “specials” and “perks.” Bethesda sat down for an interview with IGN at Gamescom and gave the gaming world a bit more of a look into how this system works.

The developer explained that you will get to choose your special abilities at the beginning of the game and then, every time you level up you can choose a perk. If you go in the right direction and make the right choices, you can actually turn your character into a kind of he-man with 10 strength. That will need you to make the right choices all the way around in order to do this but if the choices you make are indeed done in just the right order and just the right way you can make a character that stands out from the pack in a big way.

Considering that Bethesda has already said that Fallout 4 isn’t going to include any kind of level cap, it seems as though you can eventually make a character that is both super strong and super smart as long as you are gaining the right kind of upgrades and perks. This is just another way in which you can make Fallout 4 yours in a very real way when it launches on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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