Fallout 4 PC Graphics Settings Leaked, Has In-depth Options

It seems to have a pretty healthy amount of options for players to tinker with.

Bethesda games may get most of their initial hype and revenue on consoles, but they live on on PC- so it is in Bethesda’s best interests to ensure that the PC version of Fallout 4 is not too lacking. Happily, that seems to be something we won’t need to worry about too much with Fallout 4- DSO Gaming reveals that the PC version of Fallout 4 has quite a few graphical settings for PC players to mess around with, giving them a range of options.

PC gamers will be able to adjust the quality of Textures, Shadows, Shadows Distance, Decals, Lighting, Godrays, Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion. That’s not all, either, as apparently, they can also enable or disable Screen Space Reflections, Wetness, Rain Occlusion, Motion Blur and Lens Flares. The game will also let you adjust a number of view distance options. You will be able to adjust Object/Actor/Grass/Item Fade, as well as Distant Object Detail and Object Detail Fade.

It sounds pretty thorough, though of course, most PC players will tell you that a lot of games go even more in depth. Still, it’s good to see that Bethesda is not neglecting its considerable PC fanbase- and maybe with the release of the modtools for the game, Fallout 4 can get the kind of sustained life that Skyrim did on PC.

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