Fallout 4: Possible Announcement Incoming In The Next Few Months

An uncharacteristic remark that may well spark a lot of discussion.

Fallout 4 is one of the most sought after games that is currently in development and many people have went to extreme lengths to try and prove its existence. Gamers and enthusiasts alike, myself included, have been writing relevant article after article about Fallout 4, just trying to keep the fan base occupied until the moment arrives when the word comes down from on high that the game is coming soon.

Funnily enough, Kotaku’s own Jason Schreier tweeted, “I hear we’ll get an announcement in the next few months” in regards to Fallout 4. Sure, this could could be the beginning of some great marketing campaign that relies on articles such as this, but you still just have to wonder why he would say this to a stranger.

Either way, if he’s making it up or not, it could instil hope in those who were loosing hope. I’ll admit to a certain cautiousness regarding this though. There is no real reason that he would say the game is set to be announced in the next few months. So while this could be accurate, take it with a healthy heaping of salt.


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