Fallout 4 Texture Pack Now in Steam Beta, 58 GB in Size

Test out the high res textures now on PC.

Fallout 4 players are in luck – the high resolution texture pack announced recently is now available as a beta patch on Steam. It’s 58 GB though so make sure you have enough space.

The patch does a number of things besides supporting the high resolution texture pack. It adds a Featured category for mods, “required dependencies” to the Mod Details page, the latest version number and notes of a mod to its details page and so on.

That’s not including general performance and stability improvements along with fixes to crashes that would occasionally occur when scrolling through the Load Order menu.

You’ll need a hefty system to run it though. Along with a 64-bit version of Windows 7/8/10, you need an Intel Core i7-5820K or better, an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 8GB or AMD Radeon RX 490 8G B and 8 GB RAM or higher.

You can enable or disable the texture pack from the launcher itself and given how the beta will work out any problems before it goes live, it’s worth checking out.

bethesda softworksFallout 4high resolution texture packpcps4Xbox One