Fallout: New Vegas Mod Has Over 2,000 Lines of Dialog

And some pretty high production values to go along with those lines.

Mods are getting more and more ambitious- this new mod for Fallout: New Vegas has over 2,000 lines of dialog, and staggeringly high production values, especially for user created content. It’s essentially a full fledged unofficial add-on for the game, with all new content, perks, music, and new story endings.

The creators of the mod claim that it is DLC sized; it’s called Autumn Leaves, and it adds a new area, in the form of a library. The library has been sealed off for centuries, and only automatons roam there any more. The mod includes eight new quests, which will lead you through a murder mystery. Along the way, you can unlock new perks, and see one of several endings.

Autumn Leaves goes live tomorrow, October 1, and you can download it from here. In the meanwhile, check out the trailer for it below. Also as for the creators of the mod, they should really look at applying to Bethesda.

BethesdaFallout New VegasModsObsidianpc