SquareEnix releases ‘Final Fantasy XIII Gallery’ for iPhone

Kotaku has reported that SE will be releasing a collection of art for the iPhone.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the app is just a licence to print money an artbook, although there are a calendar and clock incorporated into the app – whether to act as a flimsy barricade for the publisher to deflect criticism over the app’s limited utility is yet to be determined.

It’s unknown how many images are actually included in the app, but what is known is that early purchasers are “clamoring [sic] for more images”. SE have stated that the high-definition artwork, showing eye-achingly-clear pictures of lightning, snow and choccobos is not available in-game or from the website. However, at USD$8.99 the app is a little more than expensive for what is essentially a collection of artwork (for now) unobtainable anywhere else.

Will the rabid devotion of the legions of fanboys (and fangirls) outweigh the uselessness of the app, and compell them to purchase it? Time will tell.

I'm pretty! 😀

ArtworkFinal Fantasy XIIIiPhonesonySquare Enix