After detailing exactly what will be available in the game’s day one patch, Square Enix have gone ahead and shared two new ‘101’ trailers for Final Fantasy 15, detailing and showcasing the game’s combat, battle, gear, characters, story, and more.
The second trailer is actually an extended version of the first one, and is the one you want to watch if you can only watch one- but watching both probably won’t hurt, either. If you need any more convincing on Final Fantasy 15, which generally looks great, these trailers will probably help sell you on the game.
Final Fantasy 15 is also finally almost here- it launches on November 29, which is next week. After ten years of waiting and innumerable delays, the game will finally be launching. Reviews for the game will be going live early morning on November 28, so you can make a decision whether or not you want to pick the game up then, in case you’re not already on board yet. On my part, I sure am.