Final Fantasy 15 HDR Comparison Video Shows Noticeable Differences

The differences stand out.

As we get closer and closer to the release of Final Fantasy 15, we’re getting quite a few pieces of information of a technical nature. Sure, videos that have been released recently are showing off how to pull off tricky missions, but this video show off things like what the game is going to look like using HDR.

The demo that was just released in Japan includes a ton of menu options, including the graphical options that will be usable on the PS4 Pro. The demo also has HDR support and a video that was just released shows off the differences in the PS4 and the PS4 Pro versions.

YouTube user Eye Candy is the brains behind the video and it really does show just how good this game is going to look if you play it on a PS4 Pro using one of the higher end 4K TVs on the market. Check out the video below and then get excited because Final Fantasy 15 is due out at the end of this month.

final fantasy 15ps4Square EnixXbox One