Final Fantasy 15 Leveling Up Mechanics Detailed, Will Have ‘Two Main Threads’

Tabata explains the inner details of leveling in Final Fantasy 15.

As we go further in 2016, we’re starting to find out more and more about Final Fantasy 15. We recently found out that we’re going to get a chance to see the “real” Final Fantasy 15 once Square Enix announces the official launch date. While we might have to wait a bit longer, we’re getting information about the mechanics of leveling up and those mechanics will include “two main threads.”

Game Director Hajime Tabata recently spoke to about how the developers envision putting the game;s leveling up mechanics. “In the final game, we’re going to have a very standard, orthodox kind of leveling up system to start with,” Tabata stated. “Obviously, in traditional Final Fantasy RPGs, you have very specific ways that characters level up and gain power, but because Final Fantasy XV is an action/RPG, it’s quite different in some ways to the traditional RPG gameplay formula.”

The site points out that gameplay videos have shown us some brief glimpses into how the fighting mechanics work out. The two threads  when it comes to leveling up include the earlier mentioned traditional stat improvement route, as well as actions that can be executed throughout the game in order to level further. Tabata told the site the focus of the action-based leveling is “the enhancement of the combination attacks you can do.” We’ll get a bigger look at what this kind of stuff will have in the game once we do finally get a release date for Final Fantasy 15.

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