Final Fantasy 15 May Be Heading To PC – Rumor

Javascript located in the Uncovered site's code could indicate a Windows 10 release.

After the Final Fantasy 15 Uncovered website launched today, some ingenuous individuals on NeoGAF discovered something interesting within the site’s Javascript. The code within seems to indicate a PC release may be on the cards.

Along with the “PlayStation Store” and “Xbox Store”, there are references to “Steam Store” and “Windows 10”. It wouldn’t be shocking if Final Fantasy 15 actually came to PC – Square Enix did talk about the possibility last year, though it didn’t outright confirm the same.

Final Fantasy 15 is currently on track to release this year for PS4 and Xbox One. Square Enix will be announcing the release date on March 30th at a major event in Los Angeles. There could also be a new demo at some point in the coming months though what features it could contain remains to be seen.

What are your thoughts on Final Fantasy 15 heading to PC, especially Windows 10? Let us know in the comments below.

final fantasy 15pcps4Square EnixSteamwindows 10Xbox One