Final Fantasy 15: New Information Might Be Revealed At TGS 2014

It's like Duke Nukem Forever all over again.

Remember that game that everyone was really hyped for but then it kinda put down roots and decided to stop moving? Sadly, that could be any number of games given the current state of the games industry, but right now I’m talking about Final Fantasy XV. That’s Final Fantasy 15 if numerals aren’t your thing.

But hey! New information might finally be coming to the fore following Square Enix’s relocation of the games official website from it’s original home at to the much more aptly named This domain has belonged to Square Enix for quite some time but it has never been used before now, so this may hint at some upcoming TGS 2014 information. That is, assuming it actually makes an appearance at the show and that the timing of this move isn’t purely coincidental.

So, officially as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, then renamed Final Fantasy XV and then rebuilt as an 8th generation hardware game, the title has lingered in that strange part of development hell where the game is actively being developed, but no on seems to even care anymore. Unless you do?

final fantasy XVps4Square EnixXbox One