Final Fantasy 15: No Nintendo NX Version In The Works yet

For now, Square Enix fans looking to buy the NX have to content themselves with Dragon Quest 11.

A lot of people have been simply assuming that Square Enix’s upcoming Final Fantasy 15 will be getting a version for Nintendo’s upcoming NX console- and why should they not? Square Enix have been among the first, most vocal supporters of Nintendo’s system, having already announced Dragon Quest 11 for it, and having openly considered the possibility of bringing their popular MMO Final Fantasy 14 to the system, too.

That, plus other things like the appearance of Cloud in Super Smash Bros. lead to a good ground for many to assume that Square might be looking at bringing the next volume of their flagship franchise to the enigmatic system. However, in an interview with GameReactor (via My Nintendo News), director Hajime Tabata has confirmed that as of right now, there are no plans to bring the game to the system- that’s not to say that it can’t happen in the future, but for now, nothing is in the works.

All of that said, Tabata expressed excitement for the system, as well as for Nintendo’s upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is due to launch on the NX too. Final Fantasy 15, meanwhile, is set to launch on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 30 worldwide.

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