Final Fantasy 15 Producer On Sequels: ‘We Treat Each One Like A Full Numbered Game’

Shinji Hashimoto assures us that "we treat every game we make the same".

After the fiasco with Final Fantasy XIII, which saw fans tear the series a new one for the game’s horrible mechanics and lack of a story, Square Enix further shot itself in the foot with two more sequels set in the universe.

Now with indications that there will be sequels to Final Fantasy 15 as well, Square Enix’s Shinji Hashimoto – who made the infamous proclamation at Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveal event about a “new” Final Fantasy at E3 – has reassured fans that each new game in the series is treated like a full numbered entry.

Speaking to RPGSite, Hashimoto stated that, “This may be a bit of generic answer, but we do treat each game, even sequels, like a full numbered game. They’re…thick. They’re very, very important. Thinking about the creators’ feelings towards the project, obviously, we can’t just release an all new game every year or so – it’s quite difficult.

“It’s not like because we’re creating sequels – that doesn’t mean we don’t include new elements and things. We’re always building new stuff, and putting new things in, even with a sequel. Please understand that; we treat every game we make the same, and as a very important game.”

Still looking forward to Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII when it releases next year for PS3 and Xbox 360?

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