Final Fantasy 15’s Graphics Will Be Boosted By Umbra Technology

The game looks great, so it seems to have turned out well.

Final Fantasy 15 promises to be a gorgeous looking game- that’s par for the course for the series, though, of course. Even Final Fantasy 13, which has long been considered to be the black sheep of the series, got one thing right, and that was just how gorgeous it managed to look.

Final Fantasy 15 will be similarly pretty, and one reason for that will be Square Enix working with Umbra to enhance the graphics of the game. Umbra specialize in creating an optimized database from 3D data, making the process of rendering 3D graphics more efficient. The technology has been used in some of the biggest games of this generation, including Destiny, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and the upcoming Quantum Break.

Of course, most of those other games use third party middleware solutions, unlike Final Fantasy 15, which has been developed on proprietary Square Enix tech- so it remains to be seen just how well Umbra will work here. But hey, the game looks amazing, so it probably all turned out well.

Final Fantasy 15 will launch this year on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

final fantasy 15ps4Square EnixumbraXbox One