Final Fantasy 7 Remake “Comparable in Size” to Mainline Games – Co-director

Those expecting endgame content also "won't be disappointed," says Square Enix's Naoki Hamaguchi.

For all the hype surrounding Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it’s hard to forget that it’s only one part of the overall story. While the developer has spoken about its reasoning for ending the first part with the escape from Midgar, there’s no doubt concern on how long it will be. To that end, co-director Naoki Hamaguchi did confirm that it would be “comparable in size” to mainline Final Fantasy titles.

In an official interview with Square Enix regarding secrets and hidden bosses, Hamaguchi said, “We can’t say exactly how much there is – we want to keep some surprises for players! I will say, Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been designed as if it were a standalone game, and comparable in size to other mainline Final Fantasy games.”

Interestingly enough, Hamaguchi also noted that there would be some “endgame content.” “The content you mentioned from other Final Fantasy games… I don’t want to say precisely what’s in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but if you’re expecting endgame content, you won’t be disappointed.” Does this mean some more hidden/optional bosses or other endgame activities that players can partake in? We’ll have to wait and find out.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on April 10th for PS4. Square Enix has talked about the development of the title in a new series of videos called “Inside Final Fantasy 7 Remake”. The latest episode talks about the story and characters – check it out here.

Final Fantasy 7 Remakeps4Square Enix