Fortnite Removes Overpowered Infinity Blade

"We messed up," admits Epic Games.

Fortnite Season 7Fortnite Season 7

After pulling the Infinity Blade trilogy from the iOS App Store last week, Epic Games promised that it would pop up in unexpected places. Many predicted that the weapon would be added to Fortnite as part of the ongoing season 7, similar to what Epic Games had done with Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet earlier this year- and that turned out to be true. And while the Infinity Gauntlet had to be nerfed during its run in the game, it still worked relatively well- unlike the Infinity Blade, which players have cited as being pretty much broken.

It’s too overpowered, apparently, giving players boosted mobility, speed, health, and shields, while also having the ability to deal tons of damage (especially up close), and the ability to destroy structures, which obviously forms a core part of the final stages of any Fortnite match. In response to the feedback they have been receiving, Epic Games announced on Twitter that they’ve removed the Infinity Blade from the game.

They will be re-evalutating how they implement Mythic items and weapons in the game, and stated that the weapon was too overpowered, with no good counters for it introduced. They ended their tweet by thanking fans for calling them out on its inclusion.

Good on Epic for removing the weapons as quickly as they have, and for listening to feedback from their players. Hopefully, they’ll find a way to balance the Infinity Blade, and re-introduce it sooner rather than later.

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