Fortnite Season 4 – Week 8 Challenges Guide: Suppressed Weapon Eliminations, Dealing Headshot Damage, Searching Chests, And More

A complete guide for the Week 8 challenges of Fortnite's Season 4.

If you’ve been playing through Fortnite’s season 6, then you should know that the Week 8 challenges are now here. This guide will help you figure out how to complete all of the 7 challenges that are going to be available from this week onward.


You can find the full list of challenges below.

Search Chests In A Single Match

To complete this challenge, you will have to search 7 chests in a single match. The chests can be from anywhere on the map, so you will be able to complete it without any major problems.

Deal Headshot Damage To Enemies

To finish this challenge, all you have to do is deal 250 damage to opponents through headshots. Using an automatic weapon will make it easier for you to complete this challenge.

Search Hungry Gnomes

You will be able to see Hungry Gnomes scattered all over the map now, and you just need to search 7 of them to complete this challenge.

Search Between A Bear, Crater, And A Refrigerator Shipment

For this challenge, you need to find a treasure star located just southeast from Retail Row. You will be able to see a location where there is a small patch of dirt between some trees. You will be able to find the treasure star here. Just collect it and once the match is completed, you will have completed this challenge.

Search Chests In Salty Springs

To complete this challenge, you just have to search 7 chests in Salty Springs. Just head over to the location and you will be able to find these chests in no time at all. You don’t have to find all the chests in a single match, so you can take your time to do so.

Eliminate Opponents In Pleasant Park

To complete this challenge, you will have to eliminate three opponents in Pleasant Park. The best way to do so would be to land in the location and then try to get as many eliminations as possible.

Suppressed Weapon Eliminations

To complete this challenge, you will have to eliminate three opponents using a suppressed weapon. Since you don’t have to get all three eliminations in a single match, this won’t be hard to complete.

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