Fortnite Servers Back Online Following Issues

After login and matchmaking issues, Epic Games reported that all services are "looking healthy."

After Season 5 launched, Fortnite servers predictably took nosedive. The developer reported matchmaking and login issues before taking the servers down to investigate the cause. Thankfully, the downtime was minimal and servers are back online. There may be a waiting room when logging in but that should be cleared up as well.

Fortnite Season 5 marks a fairly big wave of new content. Along with a new Battle Pass with new cosmetics, emotes, sprays and whatnot to earn, large portions of the map have been changed. Moisty Mire has been replaced by Paradise Palms, a desert area with rock formations that also has a few tracks for the All Terrain Kart.

Lazy Links has replaced Anarchy Acres, Dusty Divot has gone from being a crater to covered in trees and Viking village on the mountain in Snobby Shores. There are also Rifts that teleport players back to a random point in the sky. This is useful for quick getaways but remember that your glider won’t redeploy. Tread with caution.

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