Fortnite’s Upcoming High Stakes Event Adds Getaway Game Mode, Grappler Gun, and More

Epic Games provided details about the upcoming Event at PAX West.

One of the great things about Fortnite is how frequently Epic Games updates the game with new weapons and items, and so, so much more besides, such as new events to keep things fresh. At PAX West 2018, the developers revealed some new details about another update, which is the upcoming limited-time event called High Stakes. This event will bring a new game mode for, well, a limited time, a Grappler Gun, new challenges, and some new outfits as well.

In the new Getaway game mode, some safes will be loaded into supply drops, and they each carry a jewel. It is up to players to get the jewel inside the safe and to then manage to escape while also fighting off enemies. The developers described the game mode quite interestingly, too.

“Here’s the [Getaway] plan,” say the devs. “Four safes have been loaded into supply drops scattered around the island, each carrying a large jewel. You and your crew must locate a safe, pick up the prize inside, and get away with the goods while battling enemies. The first four teams to get to a van with a jewel and make a getaway, win! Are you up for the job?”

As mentioned before, the game mode will only be available for a limited time, but it’s possible that the developers will take the game in new directions depending on how players respond to such game modes.

Regarding the other changes, the new grappler gun is also sure to add some new options regarding vertical traversal in the game. In keeping with the theme of the new event, some new playing-card themed outfits will be available as well. As of now, we don’t know when exactly the event will go live, so stay tuned for more details. Meanwhile, get details on the upcoming updates through the video below.

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