Forza 7 Looks Glorious In New Gameplay Video Showcasing The Game Running At 4K and 60FPS

It's hard to explain just how good this game looks.

The Xbox One X is a beast of a machine- no one at all should be able to deny just how impressive the hardware packed into the machine is. And to showcase the power that this little console is packing, Microsoft will be pushing Forza Motorsport 7 as the game’s showpiece title.

For instance, take a look at this new video for the game- it shows us the game running at a blistering 4K and 60 frames per second, and we get to see it in motion for a full 22 minutes. Of course, if you don’t own a 4K screen, then the true beauty of this video and game will be lost on you in large part- but even so, you should be able to appreciate that it looks pretty damn good.

Forza Motorsport 7 is due out on October 3, for PCs running Windows 10, as well as for Xbox One and Xbox One X.

forza motorsport 7MicrosoftpcTurn 10windows 10Xbox Onexbox one x