The quality of Microsoft’s PC ports of its Xbox games has gone dramatically up over the last few yeas. Nonetheless, as often happens, their ports, too, sometimes suffer from unexpected issues. Last year, Forza Horizon 3 suffered from CPU optimization issues on PC, an issue that Turn10 and Playground Games worked extremely hard at alleviating over a period of weeks.
Now, it seems like that same issue has reared its ugly head again- the demo for Forza Motorsport 7, which released for PC and Xbox One yesterday, apparently suffers from the same optimization issues that plagued Forza Horizon 3, DSO Gaming reports. This is… a bit surprising, honestly, because you would think that this would be something that they would work extra hard to avoid this time around.
Hopefully, given that these issues have been identified in the demo this time, Turn10 gets them sorted out before the final game releases next month, for Xbox One and for Windows 10 PCs.