Fuse box art looks pointless? Insomniac boss explains the reasoning behind it

Well uh-uh.

Fuse is a new game from Insomniac Studios–the creators of the Resistance and Ratchet and Clank series–and they recently revealed the box art for the game, which was completely orange and the heads of Overstrike 9–a group with four members–were not visible.

So the first thing you have in your mind is, what the hell are Insomniac Games thinking? Here’s what their boss Ted Price had to say about the box art.

“I’m very clear on what the reaction has been from some of our critics to the cover, but we wanted to pull attention to the Fuse weapons: the Xenotech. That’s why they’re featured prominently,” he told Joystiq.

“Fuse is – the game revolves around ‘Fuse,’ storywise and gameplaywise. I think that we wanted to do something that was different. Cutting off characters’ heads is not something you see in other game covers.

“The standard approach is to have the full character, front and center, right in the middle of the box – and we took some creative risks with that. I think some people have spoken out about the fact that we took a creative risk. Some people liked it, some people didn’t.”

It is mentioned that the cover was designed by Petrol Advertising who have prominent clients like Activision, Capcom, Konami and more.

“We worked with them and came up with a whole bunch of different approaches,” Price admits. Eventually both parties decided on the image above,” Price said. “Our goal was to very clearly indicate that this is a four-player game, a four-character game. We also didn’t want to do something that looked like Charlie’s Angels. “I think the temptation with four characters sometimes is to have a very high-action shot where they’re posing. And we would’ve been raked over the coals for that.”

You can check out our wiki of the game here which contains in-depth information on the game. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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